Does GPA Matter in College in 2023? Why?
Many students are unsure of the relevance of their GPA both in and out of college. Learn when your college GPA matters by reading on.
You were aware when you were in high school that your GPA would affect your ability to get into a university. Your GPA might play a different role now in college, but it’s still significant in many ways.
Let’s look at why it’s important to monitor your college GPA and how, if necessary, you can raise your mark.
Does GPA Matter in College?
GPA is an acronym that stands for “grade point average.” This number is used by schools to illustrate how well you did overall in high school or college. You have received many As if your GPA is close to 4.0.
With only two digits and a decimal point, a grade point average is a very small number. However small it may appear, it has the potential to be a strong presence.
Further Reading: What GPA Do You Need for Community College?
The educational and career opportunities that are open to you may be influenced by your GPA. A higher GPA might be more advantageous, but some colleges only accept 2.0 GPAs.
Throughout your school years and beyond, a high GPA may help you:

- Get into college
- Earn and maintain scholarships
- Receive admission to certain majors
- Remain in good academic standing
- Earn academic honors
- Secure internships
- Get into grad school
- Land a competitive job without much work experience
GPA isn’t everything, but it can still be significant. It can be beneficial to give your best effort in your undergraduate or graduate courses.
Does GPA Matter in a College Internship?
It will be simpler for you to find an internship while you are a college student if you have a high-grade point average. Because they let you gain real-world experience in a field you’re interested in, internships are excellent opportunities.
As a result of the intense competition for paid and unpaid internships, prospective programs frequently select applicants based on their grade point average.
Potential employers can see from your grade point average that you can successfully handle challenging workloads. Finances Online reports that since 2013, an average of 60% of students have been looking for internships in their field.
Your academic work ethic, a prerequisite for internships, can reveal both your professional aptitude and your strong moral character. A strong personal character and professional aptitude are required for internships.

The company where you complete an internship might be able to give you a reference for a job in the future. Participating in at least one internship during your time in school can significantly increase your chances of finding a great job after graduation.
Does Your GPA Matter to Employers?
The amount of money you earn after graduation may be influenced by your grade point average. While having a high-grade point average (GPA) isn’t always a guarantee of intelligence or a strong work ethic, it’s not always necessary to get a job after college in many fields.
Google, for instance, doesn’t ask about your test results or grade point average unless you’ve just finished college. The business, on the other hand, holds the view that using grades as a yardstick does not always yield reliable results.
Furthermore, grades, which are thought to be an unreliable predictor of original and creative thinking and both of which are necessary for success in Google’s technology company, are not considered to be a reliable measure of these skills.
When applying for jobs in highly competitive fields like law, engineering, finance, and computer science, GPA is crucial to take into account. Your likelihood of moving on to the first round of interviews can be increased by having a strong GPA because hiring managers frequently use them as a screening tool.
When to Include Or Mention GPA in Your Job Search?
It’s best to understand when to include your GPA on your resume, in cover letters, and in a job interview before entering the workforce as a college graduate.
GPA in Resumes

If your GPA is 3.5 or higher and you have less than three years of work experience, you should list it. It is not necessary to include your GPA until you have worked for two to three years.
When your GPA is between 3.5 and 4.0, it is most pertinent to mention it to show high achievement levels.
GPA in Cover Letters
If a job asks for your grades, you should mention your GPA in your cover letter. Unless your GPA is strong (3.5 or higher) and demonstrates significant achievement, you should leave it out in all other cases.
GPA in Job Interviews
You should abide by a few guidelines regarding your GPA when invited to a job interview. It’s best to leave out your GPA unless you received an honors degree. If your cumulative GPA is mentioned and it is below average, just briefly mention it before moving on.
A great piece of information to share with your interviewer is if your major GPA is higher and shows that you are an expert in your field.
How to Raise Your GPA?
It can be beneficial to raise your GPA in college since it can have an impact on your academic performance and future opportunities.
There are doable things you can do to improve your GPA if it isn’t where you’d like it to be. If you already have a high GPA and are working to maintain it, this advice might be helpful.

- Attend class faithfully. Attending class is crucial. Every time you skip, you risk missing out on important information, so you might want to make it a top priority to attend. Even better, you can take notes while participating in discussions from your front-row seat.
- Develop an organizational system. It can be costly to be disorganized. You might experience lost notes, missed deadlines, and all-night study sessions if you don’t have a system in place. You can use a planner to schedule test dates and due dates for assignments to aid in organization. A distinct folder for the notes and papers from each course might also be helpful. Dedicated periods of time can be set aside for studying.
- Find a quiet place to study. In a busy dorm or a busy living room, it can be challenging to focus. Take your efforts somewhere else if you want to focus better. Study rooms that are ideal for the job are frequently found in libraries.
- Seek help when you need it. Even though college can be difficult, it’s acceptable to ask for assistance. You can speak with your professor during office hours if you’re unclear about a subject. There is a trend for virtual office hours at even online colleges. A study group can be joined or tutoring services can be enrolled in as additional advice for getting additional assistance.
- Study throughout the semester. Cram sessions held at the last minute are ineffective. Make studying a regular part of your routine as opposed to trying to learn everything at once. At least once per week, you can go over all of your notes or test yourself with flashcards. You can make those techniques daily routines as the test date draws near.
The sooner you set a higher GPA as a goal, the simpler it might be to achieve. You still have a lot of classes to take during your first year, for instance, which will help you raise your average. Your GPA will be very close to its final form by the time you are a senior.
Conclusion: Does GPA Matter in College?
A consideration in the admissions process to colleges is a student’s GPA. It’s possible that the importance placed on GPA as a criterion for admissions will vary from one school to the next.
If your GPA is a little below average but you’re applying for jobs where employers care, all is not lost. There are ways to improve your job prospects despite having a low cumulative GPA.
Which GPA Do Most Colleges Look At?
For this reason, the most selective US universities prefer the ‘weighted’ GPA system, which provides a more accurate depiction of the standard achieved across a selection of students and is measured on a 5-point scale.
Is a GPA of 2.7 Good?
A 2.7 GPA indicates that you are a below-average student since it generally equates to a B- grade.
What GPA Does Harvard Require?
The GPA requirements for Harvard University are between 3.9 to 4.1. In order to be admitted to Harvard University, you will need to have an extremely high GPA and most likely be graduating at the top of your class.